Why use Dispay?

Dispay advanced bot system

We are here for you even if you are a complete newbie to Discord and its adjustments. Let's get you started

Easy to use

Simple straight forward commands


Multi-functional commands for all your needs

Fast & Free

Instant, cost-free transfers, purchases and receives

24/7 Support

Instant 24/7 support on our support server

Community Driven

Easily request new features you want in the bot

For Builders

Accept payments on your Discord bots and servers


Deposits, transfers &


Wallets Created

0 $

Total value locked

Bot Usage

Simple, intuitive commands

We are here for you even if you are a complete newbie to Discord and its adjustments. Let's get you started

Frequently asked questions.

Haven't found what you’re looking for ?

  • How do I create a wallet on Dispay?

    You don’t have to! Dispay automatically generates every user their own dedicated wallet linked to their account.

  • Are my funds safe ?

    Yes, Dispay uses rigorous security and backup measures on both software and hardware levels to ensure upmost security. Your funds are as secure as your account. Future Dispay updates will also introduce two-factor authentication, allowing you to further ensure the security of your funds.

  • Can I exchange one cryptocurrency to another ?

    Dispay doesn’t offer crypto trading or converting. However you are still capable of making peer-to-peer trades with other willing users on your server using the /trade command provided by Dispay.

  • Is it free to use ?

    Yes, almost everything on Dispay is cost free.

  • Can I use my balance on different servers ?

    Yes, balances are kept across all servers. You can access your coins on any server that has Dispay.

  • How to use the bot ?

    Dispay uses the new Discord slash commands standard. After adding Dispay to your Discord server, type / and all Dispay commands will show in front of you.

Have any questions ?

Contact us